Reducing administrative burden with a VMS.
The problem
An e-commerce operation using 27 different vendors across 52 sites was using multiple systems to support hiring and management functions as well as to manually track time for their contingent workforce:
Manual invoice process – Invoices received and paid among 27 vendors each week. Each invoice needed multiple approvals from management and executive leadership. Approvals were often missing which delayed payment.
HRIS and tracking – Manual process to enter new contractors into system. Contractors would often start an assignment and have no access to email or the network to perform their roles.
Manual timekeeping – There was no standardized system for collecting time of staffing employees. Each supplier would provide their own time sheets to the managers who would then review and code the time to correct costs centers necessary for billing. The managers would then bill the time back to each agency. Approximately 20 managers spent on average eight hours per week just on the time tracking tasks.
The simple solution
The customer implemented SimpleVMS to improve efficiencies in the administration of supplemental staffing needs. Through this process, SimpleVMS integrated all systems to capture information for the temporary workforce in one place including centralized timekeeping methods. Using our timeclocks, all temporary employees enter time in one place and job costing takes place in real time.
Our solution also eliminated entry points into three separate systems and contractors now start assignments with all credentials to perform their jobs. All information is now managed in one location.
Additionally, each requisition routes automatically to the appropriate financial management and executive leadership approvers. Approvals are tracked and notifications are quickly sent out for missing details. Time and expenses associated with timekeeping, workforce management, reporting, and invoicing has been significantly reduced.