Transforming Workforce Management with Innovative Solutions

An international organization has grown to become a large provider for the automotive industry and is now expanding to other markets. A key factor in their success has been the heavy use of a contingent workforce, which makes up over 50% of their more than 2,000 employees. However, managing such a scalable yet complex workforce came with its challenges, prompting the company to seek the right Vendor Management System (VMS) to help them control their staffing program.

Large-Scale Staffing Program


Contingent Workers in SimpleVMS


Staffing Suppliers Supporting the Client


Total Workforce is Contingent Labor

“Before using a VMS, we had no way of understanding our spend or how it was allocated. As we grew, not managing these costs or tracking this spend became a critical challenge. We knew we had no other option but to implement a VMS if we were going to continue growing and using a contingent workforce as extensively as we do.”

Company Representative

After a negative experience with a large VMS provider, they soon discovered that not all VMS platforms are created equal. Find out how their switch to SimpleVMS has been transformative. With its highly customizable and easy-to-use interface that allowed for complete tracking and invoicing, SimpleVMS was able to meet
the company’s specific needs.

With SimpleVMS, the company now benefits from a user-friendly contingent workforce management platform and robust reporting system that allows them to easily oversee more than 1,600 active workers across provided by over 700 staffing suppliers. This transition has significantly improved cost transparency, stabilized volatile vendor relationships, and, most importantly, saved the company a substantial amount of money – possibly hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars – enabling them to sustain and succeed in their rapid growth.

Rapid Growth Fueled by Cutting-Edge Technology

Given the company’s rapid success, it’s no surprise they have been ranked on the INC 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies List for five consecutive years. The company attributes much of this growth to its innovative use of technology. While competitors typically offer spreadsheet reports that don’t provide comprehensive information, the company uses advanced technology to conduct root cause analysis and other dynamic reporting, enabling customers to quickly identify and solve potential manufacturing issues.

However, another major factor driving the company’s growth is its considerable dependence on a highly adaptable temporary workforce to manage fluctuations in business and to cover regions where it doesn’t have a physical presence. Interestingly, more than 50% of their over 2,000 employees are temporary, and a substantial portion of their full-time staff began as temp-to-direct hires.

The Challenge: When One of Your Greatest Strengths Is Also Your
Biggest Obstacle to Success

The company faced a unique business challenge. While their flexible staffing approach has been instrumental to their success, it also presented a significant obstacle. Managing a workforce of this scale involved partnering with thousands of agency branches from hundreds of staffing agencies, and there was no easy way to have complete oversight or control over the cost.

Initially, the company relied on a full agency management team, including a director, manager, and seven to eight additional employees, to work directly with the staffing agencies and manage their contracts. They attempted to use Excel spreadsheets for analysis, but this approach fell short of managing costs accurately and consistently led to data entry errors. These inaccuracies caused conflicts with agencies over invoices, straining relationships with vendor partners and damaging both sides. In addition, it took several full-time, dedicated employees just to manage this process.

The situation worsened during the pandemic, forcing the company to reduce its workforce. It became clear that they needed a way to not only survive during this challenging time but to thrive when it was over. As the company grew, managing more staffing vendors and workers would have required expanding the already overwhelmed agency management team, leading to increased overhead costs that impacted the company’s bottom line. It was clear that they couldn’t sustain this growth without finding a better way to manage these costs and processes.

The company realized that the same strategy they used to differentiate their services to customers could solve their internal challenges. Leveraging technology, specifically a Vendor Management System (VMS), would streamline their processes, provide better data analysis, and reduce the stress and tension caused by manual errors and inefficiencies. While many companies pull back on technology spending during times of uncertainty, the company recognized that investing in technology was the only way to survive and flourish. Thus, the agency management team was tasked with finding the right VMS to meet their needs.

Not all VMSs are Created Equal: Lessons Learned and a Fresh Start

Naturally, the company began its VMS journey by partnering with one of the largest VMS providers on the market, assuming that the vendor’s size and success would ensure their platform could meet the company’s requirements. They quickly contracted with this company without consulting their own technology teams, who would later become integral in ensuring the VMS met their specific needs. Unfortunately, this turned out to be one of the shortcomings of the program rollout.

From the start, their architect was highly dissatisfied. The VMS solution was overly complicated and difficult to work with, offering no customization to address their business’s unique requirements. Despite working directly with the provider’s developer, the company could not achieve its needed functionality. This back-and-forth continued for six months, during which the vendor consistently overpromised and underdelivered. When they decided to end the project, they had spent considerable money with this vendor and had to fight to get their investment back.

After several months and various attempts to make the system work, the architect ultimately gave up and even considered building a custom system from scratch. However, they soon realized that creating a platform capable of meeting their needs was not a feasible solution. They simply didn’t have the time, money, or resources to independently develop such a robust VMS platform. And that’s when one of their staffing agencies, eager to improve the situation for their largest client, proposed a better solution: SimpleVMS.

The SimpleVMS Difference.
Streamlined and Customizable Solutions for Modern Workforce Management

It’s rare for a staffing agency to recommend a VMS, given that vendor management systems have traditionally faced skepticism for interfering with staffing vendor-client relationships and incurring high costs for agencies.

So, when one of the company’s largest staffing vendors proposed SimpleVMS as a solution, they took notice. This agency managed a major work site, where seasonal surges became overwhelming. They suggested that SimpleVMS could streamline operations and enhance the company’s contingent workforce tracking.

“The visibility, mark-up flexibility, and transparency have significantly improved our communication with staffing agencies. The data we get from SimpleVMS has strengthened our relationships and transformed our interactions. We can now track invoices, analyze agency performance, and have more productive conversations. This transparency helps us find solutions that make all of us better partners. After all, data doesn’t lie. It clarifies everything and, as our agencies put it, makes working with us simple.”

But after their last negative experience with a VMS provider, winning over the company and their technology team was no easy feat. However, right from the start, SimpleVMS made a significant impact by showing genuine commitment. They even took the initiative to visit the company’s corporate office, where they had a face-to-face meeting with their once-skeptical architect.

This personal interaction proved crucial. They addressed all his concerns, from API integration to customization options, and committed to providing a VMS solution tailored to meet their specific needs for managing such a large and complex contingent workforce. This dedication went a long way towards earning the company’s—and their architect’s—trust.

The transparent and personalized approach won over the company, and SimpleVMS kept its promise. It delivered a system that met their needs without added fees for customizations. The cost-effectiveness and tailored solution made SimpleVMS a standout choice

“Our partners understood that to continue collaborating with us amidst our growth, a change was necessary. Our previous invoice reconciliation process was a cumbersome nightmare on both sides, and we needed a more efficient solution. We value our agencies as true business partners, and the VMS system helped us build a stronger, more trust-based relationship.”

The ROI of The Right VMS: Cost Savings and Operational Excellence with SimpleVMS

SimpleVMS didn’t just meet the company’s expectations—it revolutionized their operations and delivered substantial financial impact. By implementing a customized platform tailored to their specific needs, the company unlocked the ability to manage and negotiate mark-up rates for various scenarios, including overtime and post-conversion hours.

This strategic shift resulted in staggering cost savings, amounting to hundreds of thousands— if not millions—of dollars. The financial ROI alone was undeniable, proving that SimpleVMS was a game-changer for their business.

SimpleVMS also delivered several other key benefits. It increased transparency about the performance of staffing agencies, allowing the company to see which agencies were delivering results. By providing vendors with detailed data, SimpleVMS made it clear what was needed to improve performance.

In Conclusion: A Bright Future for Both Employers and Their
Agencies – Setting New Standards with SimpleVMS

Experiencing such significant benefits with SimpleVMS, the company now has the tools it needs to expand its workforce and strengthen its vendor relationships to support continued growth. Since implementing SimpleVMS, the value of the system was immediately apparent to their agency partners as well.

Quickly after introducing SimpleVMS and showcasing its advantages, nearly all their agencies were quick to adopt it. In fact, 80% of the agencies were eager to onboard immediately, thanks to the streamlined worker tracking, comprehensive invoicing process, and integrated time sheets. They also recognized the immediate benefits of the system.

And what about the agency that recommended SimpleVMS? This firm also saw their status rise significantly within the company.

“As a technology-focused company, we expect our partners to operate with technology as well. We are committed to moving forward, not backward. If the industry is advancing with technology, we expect our partners to keep up. Without the right technology and a modern VMS, you risk being left behind.”

Furthermore, since working with SimpleVMS, the company has set a new standard for any new vendor that wishes to partner with them: all prospective agencies must be willing to work in SimpleVMS to qualify as partners.

Working with SimpleVMS is a game-changer for both employers and staffing agencies. Employers benefit from a streamlined and highly intuitive contingent workforce management platform that has achieved unmatched efficiency with cutting-edge tracking and reporting tools. Staffing agencies gain unprecedented support and visibility, bridging the gaps left by traditional VMS systems.

This innovative approach redefines vendor management, fostering a powerful, win-win partnership for all involved. Through a channel partner program that rewards agencies for their dedication and client support, SimpleVMS overcomes the barriers typically encountered with other VMSs, transforming staffing relationships into true business partnerships